Nour Khoder

Never for fake influencer

We are living in the age of social media, and this is a perfect way that give people the opportunity to build a large following and create a brand for themselves.

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Never for fake influencer​

Social media has birthed a new class of celebrities: “influencers”. Individuals with large followings leverage their “power” to shape opinions, drive trends, and ultimately, make money via strategies like using specific theories standards, and vocabulary that is said and received by the viewer, who is the product itself. But what motivates this pursuit? Is it just a quest for fame and fortune, or are there deeper desires at play?
All these details occurred during the previous period and are still in a socially sliding and destructive development
It is not easy to create content. It takes effort, time, and energy.
But what is said when content is created with fake characteristics such as influencers, and this is the disastrous word that is the core of our topic today.
If you are a model, or beautician, or offer any product, you must clarify your identity without shame, and most importantly, clarify the goal of your presence on social networking sites and achieve your goals to the most prominent aspect of what is being offered, and not to one number next to it zeros
This expression may be making an upward move, increasing the number without benefit or quality.
Some parents are exposing their children to Instagram and making them into influencers rather than having them have a peer pressure-free normal childhood.
Explores the negative impacts of social media on mental health and societal polarization (The Social Dilemma) Netflix)).
The trends that come out on Instagram are mostly nonsensical and involve a lot of show-offs.
They don’t show you what you want to see. They show you what they want you to see.
Many people try to become influencers because of all the money that can be made through promoting products and brands. Lots of influencers are seen on social media taking expensive vacations and wearing designer clothes, which motivates others to also start influencing
Constant exposure to curated, idealized online personas can lead to unrealistic expectations and feelings of inadequacy, especially among younger users. This was supported by a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania, which found that “increased Instagram use was associated with a greater likelihood of reporting symptoms of social comparison depression.” ” (FOMO)
When everyone promotes themselves as exceptional, true authenticity becomes rare, the broader phenomenon of overinflated self-promotion and its impact on users, plus 62.5% of social media users feel pressure to present a perfect online persona (Sprout Social).
In my opinion, influencers are influencing in a bad way, you can’t become an influencer just by making nonsense videos, that too most of the content is copied from maybe a content creator, there was a time when people used to have original content, but with the invention of reels on Instagram, it has become a platform for Homogeneous content and lacks individuality, Users must be equipped with the necessary skills to evaluate online content & Support content creators based on value who bring genuine value, entertainment, or knowledge, regardless of follower count. We can do campaigns like #neverforfakeinfluence It is an issue, not a trend!!
Never forget that when they try to influence through their own experiences, they are not exercising actual rational influence. Rather, they present their own lives and their own experiences from one point of view and one critical lens. The process of people being influenced by knowledge of special matters cannot be ignored, as the viewer by nature only loves what is possible. It is up to you to provide information that can only be taken from you.

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